jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012


Anomalist: an adherent of the view held by certain Greek grammarians of the 2d century B.C. that in language the connection between the word and the idea is arbitrary and based on convention alone
Circumlocution: the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea 
Clear-cut: showing distinct lucid analysis, plan, or presentation : having unmistakable clarity and definiteness
Counter-factual: contrary to fact
Deviation: departure from an established body of principles, a system of beliefs, an ideology, or a party line
Dismissed: permit or cause to leave 
Embodied: to make concrete by expression in perceptible form
Enterprise: a plan or design for a venture or undertaking
Feasible: possible of realization
Henceforth: from this point on
Hyponymy: a generic name not based on a recognizable species
Indigenous: of, relating to, or designed for natives
Introspection: the examination of one's own thought and feeling 
Jargon: confused unintelligible language
Jesting: to speak or act without seriousness or in a frivolous manner 
Mentalism:  a hypothesis that special factors of mind must be assumed to analyze, classify, or explain some or all phenomena of language 
Muffled:  to keep down
Neatly: in a smart manner
Ominous: indicative of future misfortune or calamity
Ongoing: the action of continued forward movement 
Onomatopoeia: formation of words in imitation of natural sounds
Overlay: to hide or obscure by or as if by superimposition 
Perennial: continuing or lasting for several years
Peripheral: located away from a center or central portion
Philology: study of literature that includes or may include grammar, criticism, literary history, language history, systems of writing, and anything else that is relevant to literature or to language as used in literature
Plausible: obtaining approbation or favor
Sememe: the meaning of a morpheme
Slang: to cast forcibly and usually suddenly
Syncategorematic: not capable of standing alone as a term in a proposition
Tagmemes: a constituent of a meaningful grammatical relation that cannot be analyzed into smaller meaningful features and that may be marked by features of word order, selection of allomorphs, agreement with finite verb forms, and elaboration by preceding adjectival modifiers
Taxeme: a minimum grammatical feature of selection, of order, of stress, of pitch, or of phonetic modification
Triad: a union or group of three especially of three closely related persons, beings, or things
Volitions: the acts of deciding               

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